• If you are looking for following the trends but you get bored from long videos, or irrelevant output.
  • If you need short videos that can get you excited about what’s up with the internet.
  • If you are running a busy life but you need to take a short break to watch some interesting videos.
  • You are in the right place, just download Handy Videos Today and get access to the videos that will keep you fresh and updated.
  • Handy Videos provides you with short videos based only on the category that you select without any interference from other categories. And if you need some more, just search for the keyword you need and you will find related videos.

Handy Videos is a digital platform that provides trending videos based on preference list of user interest categories or keyword search. On selecting preferred categories, users get a stream of 15 second videos that will provide the users with updated trends of the categories, and on selecting the more information button the user will get redirected to the trend category of the video. Users can watch home page random videos or select a specific keyword to watch 15 seconds videos for that keyword.

    Some of the categories that you can run a quick and effective search are:

  • Automobiles
  • Building & Construction
  • Grocery
  • Health
  • Stationery
  • Services

Download This App Today!

Stop spending time and money looking for products and services. Instead, download the Handy Videos app today and you can find everything you need with a simple touch

  1. Is HandyVideos Free App?
  2. Yes HandyVideos is a free app for all users, with the ability to create a registered account or join as a guest user.
  3. What is the difference between guest users and registered users?
  4. Registered users get to receive emails from the app on clicking on more information button with the landing page for the video he was watching.
  5. Can I change Presences list after I chose one?
  6. Yes, you can always change your selection of preferences list through the mobile app setting. Go to HandyVideos logo on you home screen>Settings>Preferences>Update Preferences.
  7. Can registered user turn off email links?
  8. Yes, registered users can turn off emails through clicking on the HandyVideos logo on the home screen> then switching on/off email Service.
  9. Why does the HandyVideos have a location service?
  10. The location service is to provide users with the offers provided within the area of the user, it can be turned on to get notification for offers in your area, or you can turn it off and add (Offer) from preferences list to get notified if any offer is uploaded to the app.
  11. How long is each video?
  12. All videos are 15 seconds long with the ability to skip or return to any video.
  13. Does HandyVideos collect my browsing history, or contact details?
  14. HandyVideos does not collect any browsing history, nor contact details.
  15. Why are there cookies requests on clicking on (More Information) button?
  16. On clicking on more information button, you will be redirected to the suppliers’ landing page, HandyVideos does not have any control over the landing page of our supliers’ website.